Welcome to NSWGR Trikes Buy, Sell & Swap page.


A good place to get into this hobby by finding a Trike, section car, Trolley, speeder,  gang car...etc and/or any parts you may want to sell, swap or want.


NSWGR Trikes is looking for trikes, trolleys and parts. Feel free to contact us.


For a free ad, Please Email NSWGR Trikes.


I must stress that, owning a Trike does not give you any right to go out on a used or dis-used railway line without permission and run it. It is considered trespassing, penalties range from  heavy fines to jail.


There are Trike/section car groups that you can join and run your Trike in safety and best of all in a group of people that make the experience all the more fun. Some of these groups can be found on the Links page.

If you are able to help, please use the contact information within the wanted ads directly

©copyright 2016

NSWGR Trikes


Try Signs can produce any decal for your Section Car/”Trike”.

For all States.


Call Peter on 0417 479 238



NSWGR MT14 Fairmont

Complete and in good order

Cash or swap for operational Type 4 Wickham
Contact  - nswgrtrikes @ gmail .com


Listed 13/1/19

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Preservation and Restoration of NSW Railway Track Vehicles

NSWGR Trikes



Working Walbro LHM108 or L106 Carburettors

As used on Wisconsin S12D
Contact  - nswgrtrikes @ gmail .com


Listed 23/6/16



Newly cast, cast iron brake pads for all model Fairmont's












These pads are cast from the original Fairmont patterns/drawings when assembly was undertaken in Australia.


· 16 inch wheel ST2/MT14 - $25.00 or 4 for $95.00 -  Part No. M16397


· 16 inch wheel M19 - $23.50 each or 4 for $90.00 -  Part No. M16411


· 14 inch wheel M15/SIC/TIC - $22.00 each or 4 for $85.00 – Part No. M17081


P&H for 4 $16.00 anywhere in OZ.




Listed 15/9/16



Complete Albion H model, 3 Speed Gearbox with reverse

As used on NSW TICs and SICs
Contact  - nswgrtrikes @ gmail .com


Listed 13/1/19